A projector in a window with a timer, and a media player. This allows the projection to playback on a schedule on an ongoing basis. Easy peasy!

We also create and facilitate the creation of media and art works suitable for projections anywhere; high streets, landscapes, silos, sky scrapers, boats, water towers, and more.
Why? | What makes semi permanent installations good
Resource light and more sustainable than one off events, Surprising and intriguing for the public, Tease and reveal Opportunity to exhibit for extended periods of time, Out of the elements, No dependency on good weather, Allows for long term automated programming, Projectors on timers, Autonomous viewing by the public, Non events based.
How? | Installation Info
We can supply a single installation or a complete projection mapped large format light show covering an entire city. We follow the same production process no matter the project size.

Little Projector Company

Millie Cattlin